active citizens

英 [ˈæktɪv ˈsɪtɪznz] 美 [ˈæktɪv ˈsɪtəzənz]

网络  积极公民; 能动公民; 活跃公民



  1. In his inaugural address he spoke of the need for all Americans to be active citizens, famously saying," Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. "
  2. Above all, they are successful parents, good neighbors, and active citizens.
  3. However, failure to seize this opportunity to train them more effectively for the workplace, and to be active citizens, could lead to widespread disillusionment and social tensions.
  4. It aims at fostering students with knowledge, skills, and values that needed to function effectively in society based on rule of law, hoping to develop the active citizens.
  5. To overcome this, socialism will probably have to find new institutional forms that draw millions into political and economic life, that turn politically discontented people into active citizens.
  6. Tens of thousands of its entrepreneurs are active in China and millions of its citizens reside on or travel to the mainland.
  7. To ensure the effective functioning of the Republican system and the active participation of citizens, civic virtue and civic education is indispensable.
  8. Ensure the active participation of all citizens in sports activities and the wide spread of the Olympic spirit.
  9. On the Active Role of College Students in Citizens Moral Construction
  10. The promotion of the Chinese political civilization and political development are related to the active participation of her citizens.
  11. States political and economic systems to develop, implement and improve a wide range of needs the active participation of citizens;
  12. China currently is in the reforming period of rapid social transformation, in which all the processes need further development, and urgently need the active political participation of the citizens to facilitate the fulfillment of the reforming goal.
  13. This period of globalization speeding up, the civil consciousness education the basic idea of cultivating responsible for the active participation of citizens of the world.
  14. Good governance is active and effective cooperation between governments and citizens. The key to get cooperative success is the power to participate administration.
  15. The research of the theory about the administrative accountability is more relatively lagged than the active participation of citizens.
  16. Because building a harmonious society is finally to rely on active participation of all citizens, only if most citizens take part in it actively and effectively, can a harmonious society be built smoothly.
  17. Analysis of its causes, though with our late start on government performance evaluation, but fundamentally because of the lacking of active participation of citizens, ignoring the public satisfaction in government performance assessment.
  18. In summary, through the remodeling class public life, help students become active participants, undertakers of public value, and interpreter of public spirit-that is qualified as citizens.